Monday, December 30, 2019
Happy Hour: Mistletoe Martini
Little known fact about me: I LOVE creating cocktails. It all started when my mom would come home with some sort of flavored liquor or juice and my assignment was to create a delicious drink out of it. Then I started buying cocktail shakers and fancy glasses and the rest is history!
Monday, December 16, 2019
Holiday Gift Guide: BFF

Thanksgiving is over and I've officially eaten too many carbs, which can only mean it's time for holiday shopping! I LOVE shopping (mostly for myself but for other people is still fun) so I figured I would create some helpful guides to get you through your gift-giving woes. Best part? All of these gifts can be found online and are $50 or under so you don't even have to deal with the crowds at the mall or break the bank! Oh, and remember, any time you online shop remember to use Honey to save!
Holiday Gift Guide: BFF
I tell all my friends that I'm the easiest person on the planet to shop for. I'm a simple girl -- anything with glitter, leopard, or a crown on it and I'll probably love it! But sadly, not everyone is as amazing as I am (deep sigh) and it can be tricky to find the right gift. I've put together a list of gift ideas for every kind of friend in your friend group so everyone is satisfied! And when in doubt, everyone loves champagne (if she doesn't then she shouldn't be your friend anyway, we don't play)!Friday, November 29, 2019
Holiday Gift Guide: Men
Thanksgiving is over and I've officially eaten too many carbs, which can only mean it's time for holiday shopping! I LOVE shopping (mostly for myself but for other people is still fun) so I figured I would create some helpful guides to get you through your gift-giving woes. Best part? All of these gifts can be found online and are $50 or under so you don't even have to deal with the crowds at the mall or break the bank! Oh, and remember, any time you online shop remember to use Honey to save!
Holiday Gift Guide: Men
Is there anything harder than shopping for the men in your life? Whether it's your boo thing, brother, dad, or grandpa -- men are notoriously known for being near impossible to shop for. I can't even tell you how many wallets my dad has received from me, he could probably open his own Fossil at this point. And even though men pretend to be "chill" about everything we ladies know that in reality they are so picky and particular about EVERYTHING! Hopefully my little gift guide helps, but if he doesn't like what you give him then dump him and obsess over celebrities you can never have like me (but stay away from Harry he's MINE!).Tuesday, November 5, 2019
NYC Skincare Routine
One thing I was not expecting when I moved to New York (so young, so naive) was how the city air would ruin my once porcelain skin. After only a month I noticed my pores seemed larger, I was breaking out more, and my skin just looked dull. Seeing as how I'm 26, the thought of what this constant pollution can do to my skin freaked me the eff out and now I'm considering myself skincare-obsessed. I did my research, gave myself my own degree in esthiology, and prepared a skincare routine that will not only make my skin happy, but me happy!
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
City Savvy: Money Saving Tips for Living in NY
Moving to New York was one of the most exciting yet financially-devastating things I've ever done in my life. Having been here a year, I've come up with a lot of creative ways to save money. Sometimes that means sacrificing a weeknight happy hour and having all the FOMO, but in the end I know that I'll feel better having skipped that $14 froze when my credit card bill comes around! Keep reading for my top money saving tips for living in NYC.
Friday, August 2, 2019
Monthly Favorites
Ahh New York in the summer. There's nothing better than walking to the subway in 90% humidity and the smell of curb trash everywhere. Why wear sandals when you're bound to step in steamy dog pee, and any makeup is just going to melt off your face like a Dali painting in 5 minutes? And then if you do get a seat on the subway someone has to sit so close to you that both your sweaty arms have to rub together for the whole ride and the nausea starts to set in and...sorry I blacked out for a second. All jokes aside, nothing beats hanging out on a rooftop bar with an Aperol Spritz in hand and the New York City skyline at your fingertips. This month I've spent way too much money (no surprise) but I'm also finally getting comfortable in my new crib and am having an amazing time decorating it. Keep reading for all of my July favorites!
Monday, July 8, 2019
City Savvy: Moving in New York City
Is there anything more stressful than moving? Since I graduated from college, I’ve moved six times. That’s right, SIX! At this point I consider myself a moving pro, but I was a little in over my head when it came to moving in NYC. Everything here is just so…overwhelming. Have you ever looked at apartments for rent in New York? It’s a minefield, as is figuring out how to move your things once you find a place. But, after countless weeks of stress, my roommate, Tori, and I moved into our dream apartment! Here are my tips and tricks to having a seamless move in the city:
Sunday, June 9, 2019
City Savvy: Money Diary
Welcome to my Money Diary! I enjoy reading all the diaries on Refinery29 so much that I decided to dip my toes into the spend-tracking world and see how I can improve my spending and save some cash. This is all part of my City Savvy series where I show how you can still live your best life in the big city even while you're on a budget. Stay tuned for more and I hope you enjoy my diary this week!
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Slimming in the City
Welcome to my new series Slimming in the City where I will be documenting my journey on losing weight and getting in shape while still enjoying life as a 20-something in New York. Here I will be sharing my workout tips, healthy recipes, and any other tools I've discovered that are great for weight loss and fitness. To follow along on my daily fitness struggles adventures, follow my fitsta (yes, I'm that bitch) @glitzandfit.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
City Savvy: Money Diary
Welcome to my Money Diary! I enjoy reading all the diaries on Refinery29 so much that I decided to dip my toes into the spend-tracking world and see how I can improve my spending and save some cash. This is all part of my new City Savvy series where I show how you can still live your best life in the big city even while you're on a budget. Stay tuned for more and I hope you enjoy my diary this week!
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