Sunday, November 18, 2018

My Daily Makeup Routine

One of the things I have mastered in my morning routine is my daily makeup. I can do my whole face in under 15 minutes because I have this down TO A SCIENCE. Now, I'm not putting on a full "going out" face every morning, but I am putting on enough that naturally pretty women would deem "too much." Sorry, my under-eye bags (at least they're Prada) need a little work before I can be presentable to society. 🙃 Anyway, if you're at all interested in how I prevent myself from looking as dead on the outside as I am on the inside keep reading to find out my daily makeup routine!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Monthly Favorites

Is it just me or did October go by in a flash? One minute the weather was cooling down and the next Halloween was already over! As short as the month was, I was able to jot down a few of my favorite things to share with you. Keep reading to see my October favorites!